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Bifenazate 24% SC: A Comprehensive Overview of a Selective Acaricide for Effective Mite Control


Bifenazate 24% SC is a powerful acaricide that offers highly selective and long-lasting control over various mite species. Its exceptional efficacy against all developmental stages of mites, along with its low Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) and compatibility with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, makes it a valuable tool for modern agriculture. In this article, we delve into the key features, mode of action, application methods, benefits, and precautions associated with Bifenazate 24% SC.

Quick Facts

Bifenazate 24% SC stands out due to its broad-spectrum effectiveness against mites at different life stages, including eggs, nymphs, and adults. Its low PHI enhances its versatility, allowing for applications closer to harvest. Notably, Bifenazate demonstrates a reduced impact on beneficial organisms, thus aligning with IPM principles. Furthermore, its extended duration of control contributes to its cost-effectiveness and utility in managing mite infestations.

Crops and Targets

This acaricide finds application in several crops, with a primary focus on two major cultivars:

  1. Grape: Bifenazate effectively targets the notorious Two-Spotted Mite, a common pest that infests grapevines. By curbing mite populations, Bifenazate safeguards grape yields and quality.

  2. Rose: In rose cultivation, Bifenazate provides a robust defense against the Two-Spotted Mite. This protection ensures the visual appeal and health of rose plants, crucial for the ornamental flower market.

Mode of Action

Bifenazate exerts its control over mites through a unique mode of action. Upon application, mites become hyper-activated, disrupting their ability to produce energy. As a consequence, mites experience exhaustion, leading to their eventual demise. This targeted approach ensures efficient mite management while minimizing adverse effects on non-target organisms.


For optimal results, Bifenazate 24% SC should be applied via foliar application, ensuring thorough coverage of the plant surfaces. Proper coverage is essential to reach all mite-infested areas and achieve maximum efficacy. Adhering to the recommended application rates and intervals outlined in the product leaflet is crucial for successful mite control.


It is imperative for users to prioritize safety and effectiveness. To achieve this, always follow the instructions provided in the product leaflet. Understanding and implementing the recommended application practices, safety precautions, and environmental considerations is essential to maximize the benefits of Bifenazate 24% SC while minimizing potential risks.


Bifenazate 24% SC offers an array of benefits that make it a preferred choice for mite control in agriculture:

  1. Long Duration Efficacy: Its extended residual activity ensures sustained protection against mites, reducing the need for frequent applications and contributing to cost-efficiency.

  2. Broad Mite Spectrum: Bifenazate’s efficacy against eggs, nymphs, and adults of major mite species ensures comprehensive control throughout their life cycles.

  3. Selective Targeting: With its high selectivity for mite pests, Bifenazate minimizes harm to beneficial organisms, making it a valuable component of IPM programs.

  4. Rainfast Quality: Bifenazate demonstrates exceptional rainfastness compared to competitors. This quality enhances its reliability and effectiveness even in unpredictable weather conditions.

  5. Short PHI: The low Pre-Harvest Interval permits applications closer to harvest, offering flexibility to fit within commercial crop production schedules.


Bifenazate 24% SC stands as a prime example of effective, selective, and environmentally conscious mite control. Its ability to target mite populations at all developmental stages, coupled with its compatibility with IPM strategies and rainfast qualities, underscores its significance in modern agriculture. While benefitting from its advantages, it is crucial to adhere to recommended guidelines to ensure its responsible use and safeguard the delicate balance of our ecosystems.




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