Deltamethrin 100 EC (11% w/w)
Deltamethrin is the world’s most effective synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for use in agriculture, being photo stable. It is nonsystemic insecticide which acts by contact and ingestion, and exhibiting a broad spectrum control of chewing and sucking insects.
Deltamethrin is effective against a wide range of insect pests, which include Lepidoptera, Homoptera; particularly Aphids and Psylla but also some Coccidea and Cicadellinea, Heteroptera, Thysanoptera; selected thrips species, Diptera, Coleoptera and Orthoptera.
Decis acts on the insects by contact and ingestion. Its high lipophilicity provides a high affinity with the insect cuticle. In the insect body it affects the nerve transmission by acting on axon. It disrupts the conduction of the nervous influx by modifying the kinetics of the function of the sodium canal.
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Classification No. 3 A
§ Remarkable knockdown effect.
§ Deltamethrin exhibits a good residual activity due to a range of specific physico-chemical properties:
§ Solubility in fatty tissues allowing a good penetration into cuticle of leaves.
§ Very low solubility in water giving a good rain fastness.
§ Very low vapor pressure and therefore a good resistance to evaporation.
§ Most effective synthetic pyrethroid because of single pure isomer.
§ Demonstrates repellent action and anti-feeding properties.
Deltamethrin is a contact, non-systemic insecticide, adequate spray volume is essential to ensure good coverage on target plants and insects.
Boll worm
Fruit Borer
Fruit Borer
Leaf folder
Stem borer,Whorl maggot, Green Leaf Hopper
Fruit borer
Caution is recommended in the areas where aquaculture and bee keeping is being practiced
Pack sizes: 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 1 L