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Sulphur 80% WP

A Comprehensive Guide


Sulphur 80% WP is a contact fungicide that plays a crucial role in protecting various crops from fungal diseases. This chemical formulation contains 80% sulfur as the active ingredient and is widely recognized for its effectiveness against powdery mildew, rust, and other fungal infections. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the quick facts, crops it benefits, its mode of action, and the numerous advantages it offers to farmers.

Quick Facts

Sulphur 80% WP, often referred to simply as “Sulphur WP,” is a white powder fungicide. It is known for its protective action against fungal diseases, making it a vital tool in integrated pest management strategies for various crops.

Provides Protective Action

Sulphur 80% WP is classified as a contact fungicide. Unlike systemic fungicides, which are absorbed and transported within the plant, contact fungicides act on the surface of the plant where they are applied. This makes them especially effective in preventing fungal spores from germinating and infecting the plant.


This versatile fungicide can be applied to a range of crops to combat fungal diseases effectively. Here are some of the key crops that benefit from the use of Sulphur 80% WP:


Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that affects apple trees. Sulphur 80% WP provides excellent protection against this threat, ensuring healthy apple harvests.



Bean plants are susceptible to powdery mildew as well. This fungicide helps maintain the vitality of bean crops by preventing this fungal infection.



Chili plants are prone to powdery mildew, which can significantly reduce yields. Sulphur 80% WP comes to the rescue by keeping chili crops free from this disease.



Citrus trees, such as oranges and lemons, are also susceptible to powdery mildew. The application of this fungicide safeguards citrus orchards from this destructive fungus.



Grapevines are vulnerable to powdery mildew, which can compromise the quality of grapes for wine production or table consumption. Sulphur 80% WP ensures that grape growers can protect their vineyards and produce healthy grapes.



Tikka leaf spot is a prevalent disease in groundnut cultivation. This fungicide serves as a potent defense against Tikka leaf spot, preserving groundnut crops.



Mango trees can suffer from powdery mildew, affecting fruit quality and yield. With Sulphur 80% WP, mango growers can prevent this issue and enjoy bountiful harvests.



Okra plants are susceptible to powdery mildew as well. The application of this fungicide helps maintain the health and productivity of okra crops.



Pea crops are at risk of both powdery mildew and rust. Sulphur 80% WP provides a comprehensive solution to protect pea plants from these fungal diseases.


Mode of Action


Sulphur 80% WP primarily acts as a protective fungicide. When applied to the surface of plant leaves and other susceptible plant parts, it forms a protective barrier. This barrier inhibits the germination of fungal spores and prevents them from penetrating the plant’s tissues. Essentially, it creates a shield that keeps the plant safe from fungal infections.


Sulphur 80% WP offers several significant benefits to farmers and agricultural practitioners:

Triple Action

One of the standout features of Sulphur 80% WP is its triple action. It functions as a fungicide, micronutrient (supplying sulfur to plants), and miticide (controlling mites). This multifaceted approach makes it a valuable tool for crop protection and health.

  • Fungicide: Its primary role is to protect plants from fungal diseases. By forming a protective barrier on plant surfaces, it inhibits fungal spore germination, preventing infections.
  • Micronutrient: Sulfur is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development. Sulphur 80% WP provides plants with this vital nutrient, promoting their overall health and vigor.
  • Miticide: In addition to its antifungal properties, Sulphur 80% WP can also control mites, which can be detrimental to many crops. This dual function as a miticide further enhances its value in crop protection.

In conclusion, Sulphur 80% WP is a versatile and valuable tool in modern agriculture. It provides protective action against a range of fungal diseases in various crops, including apples, beans, chili, citrus, grapes, groundnut, mango, okra, and peas. Its triple action as a fungicide, micronutrient, and miticide underscores its importance in crop management and health. By understanding its benefits and mode of action, farmers can harness the power of Sulphur 80% WP to ensure healthy and productive harvests.




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